An 8-week group coaching experience to create more joy, intentionality, and purpose in the new year.
The end of one year and beginning of another is a hinge point—a moment in time to pause and reflect on your life so you might enter the new year with more joy, intentionality, and purpose.
Spark 💥 is an end-of-year intensive designed not to add more to your plate, but to help you examine what you’re already doing in light of your values and vision.
In Spark you’ll learn how to pay attention to your life and glean what it has to tell you about your joys and sorrows, your hopes and fears, your habits and possibilities. In this sacred, curated space you’ll begin to slow down and shift out of life on autopilot. Soak up the richness of the life you have now, interrogate what’s working and not working, and set intentions for the future.
Spark is designed like a series of mini-retreats facilitated by an experienced transformational life coach. The group will meet on Zoom for one hour each week starting on November 30, 2023 (specific dates and times below). Each call will include a mini-lesson, interactive exercise, dyad conversation, and group coaching. Between calls, you’ll receive pre-designed homework to reflect on the last year and set intentions for the year ahead.
Sample topics and exercises:
- Create an inventory of key events, relationships, and experiences from the past year
- Clarify values and lessons gleaned from your life
- Decide what to release and what to carry forward
- Articulate intentions and priorities for the year ahead
- Design routines and practical habits that will support your vision
- Zoom call @ 1-2pm EST on Thursday Nov 30, Dec 7, 14, 21
- Off on Thursday, Dec 28
- Zoom call @ 1-2pm EST on Thursday Jan 4, 11, 18, 25
Check your calendar and set these times aside so you can join as many calls as possible (barring unforeseen emergencies) as each call will build upon the last.
The maximum group size is 16, so save your spot early!
Registration will close at midnight on Sunday, November 26th or when the group is full, whichever comes first. Session details and the Zoom link will be provided upon registration.
If you have questions or would like help discerning if this cohort is for you, please reach out!
The Spark experience is artfully designed and expertly facilitated to deliver exceptional value. I am committed to making it accessible to people in all financial situations, so I offer a range of pricing options (listed below). If needed, please pay the reduced supplemental rate; if able, please consider paying above and beyond! You can select your price on the registration page.
Supplemental rate: $395
True cost: $495
Above and beyond: $595
May you have the courage to listen to the voice of desire
That disturbs you when you have settled for something safe.
May you have the wisdom to enter generously into your own unease
To discover the new direction your longing wants you to take.
May the forms of your belonging—in love, creativity, and friendship—
Be equal to the grandeur and the call of your soul.
For Longing by John O’Donohue
Hi, I’m Aly
I’m a transformational life coach, spiritual director, and experience designer—and the curator and facilitator of Spark. My passion is creating and holding space for people to expand their thinking, confront internal barriers, and embark on new possibilities. I’d love to explore what new things are waiting for you!